Events schedule


  • March 1, 2023: Application deadline for the Preliminary Round by recording - Cycle 3 - Strings only
  • March 3, 2023: Results announced - Preliminary Round by recording - Cycle 3 - Strings
  • March 7, 2022: Last day to make repertoire changes - Strings
  • March 13-16, 2023: Gershwin Competition for Strings - Semifinal and Final Rounds in New York
  • May 15, 2023: Application deadline for the Preliminary Round by recording - Young Artists' Chamber Ensembles
  • May 20, 2023: Results announced - Preliminary Round by recording - Young Artists' Chamber Ensembles
  • June 10, 2023: Last day to make repertoire changes - Young Artists' Chamber Ensembles
  • June 17-22, 2023: Gershwin Competition for Young Artists' Chamber Ensembles - Semifinal and Final Rounds in New York

Competition Rounds Schedule




Strings Competition - Run-through Purim Concert

March 11, 2023
5:00 PM

All String players

The Hall
2896 West 12th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Presented by Club Aelita
Special Thanks to Mrs. Leonora Bulycheva for steadfast support for the Gershwin competition

Strings Competition - Opening Ceremony/Drawing of Lots

March 13, 2023
4:00 - 5:00 PM

All Categories

The Theater at PianoPiano Studios
37 West 65th Street, 4th floor
New York, NY 10023

Strings - Semifinal Round

March 14, 2023
Warm-ups: 5:00 - 6:00 PM / Semifinal - 6:00 - 7:30 PM

Young Artists & Talent Show (8-17 years of age)

Kings Bay Library
3650 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn NY, 11229

Special Thanks for Ms. Liana Alaverdova and Ninel Razran for making Gershwin Competition auditions possible

Strings - Semifinal Round - Concert Artists (Ages 18-38)

March 15, 2023

12:00 - 4:30 PM

Opera America Center - McKay Studio
330 7th avenue, New York NY, 7th floor

Strings - Gala Concert by Jury members

March 15, 2023
7:00 PM

Alla Aranovskaya - Boris Vayner - Michael Bulychev-Okser

Opera America Center - Scorca Hall
330 7th avenue, New York NY, 7th floor

Strings - Final Rounds - All categories

March 16, 2023
12:00 PM -5:30 PM

12:30 - 1:00 PM ~ Talent Show
1:00 - 2:00 PM ~ Young Artists
2:30 - 5:30 PM ~ Concert Artists

Opera America Center - McKay Studio
330 7th avenue, New York NY, 7th floor

Strings - Awards Ceremony & Winners' Concert

March 16, 2023
8:00 - 10:30 PM

All participants

Good Shepherd-Faith Presbyterian Church
152 West 66th Street, New York, NY 10023

Strings - Masterclasses by Jury members

March 17, 2023
12:00 - 4:00 PM

Eduard Schmieder
Albert Markov (Online)
Alla Aranovskaya
Boris Vayner
Yelena Savranskaya
Michael Bulychev-Okser

Opera America Center
330 7th avenue, New York NY, 7th floor

Young Artists' Ensembles - Arrival by participants / practicing

June 17, 2023

All Ensembles

Opera America Center
Michiko Studios
Piano Piano Studios

Young Artists' Ensembles - Opening Ceremony/Drawing of Lots

June 18, 2023
1:00 - 3:00 PM

All Categories

Christ & St. Stephen's Church
120 West 69th St.
New York, NY 10223

Young Artists' Chamber Ensembles - Semifinal Round

June 19, 2023

12:00 - 5:00 PM

Opera America Center
330 7th avenue, New York NY, 7th floor

Young Artists' Ensembles - Master classes by Jury Members

June 20, 2023

Open to all competition participants
Students of New York Conservatories

Theater at Piano Piano Studios
37 West 65th Street
(4th floor)
New York NY 10023

Young Artists' Chamber Ensembles - Final Round

June 21, 2023

12:00 - 3:30 PM ~ Chamber Ensembles

Opera America Center
330 7th avenue, New York NY, 7th floor

Young Artists' Chamber Ensembles - Awards Ceremony & Winners' Concert

June 21, 2023
7:00 - 9:30 PM

All finalists

Opera America Center
330 7th avenue, New York NY, 7th floor