Rounds & Repertoire - Competitions 2023

There are 3 Rounds in the George Gershwin International Music Competition: Preliminary, Semifinal, and Final.

Competition application fee is $100 for soloists and Duos, applying as Chamber Ensemble.
Application fee for Trios: $150; Quartets - $175; Ensembles with 5 or more participants - $250.


Applicants must EITHER submit a Video Recording, OR participate in Gershwin Concert Series OR participate in the Live Preliminary Audition.

Currently, it's only possible to apply for Strings competition or Young Artists' Chamber Ensembles competition via submitting an online recording by March 1, 2023, 11:59 PM (Evening) New York Time


Applicants must submit a performance recording of repertoire of the candidate’s choice. Each work on the video must be continuous performance. Recordings may be paused between each repertoire selection or recorded on the different venues/dates.
If an applicant is selected to participate in the competition, repertoire performed in performance video of the preliminary round may be repeated in the subsequent main rounds. For details, please see the Competition Rounds Section below. The recording can be submitted as a single DVD, sent by mail with a completed application form, or uploaded through the Gershwin Music Competition online application link (preferable method). Links to online recordings (YouTube, Vimeo, Googl Drive) can be also be emailed to

Here are the deadlines to submit a pre-selection recording:
December 22, 2021 - Cycle 1 Closed for registration
May 1, 2022 - 11:59 PM - Cycle 2 Closed for registration
March 1, 2023 - Deadline to submit recording for String Competition only - Cycle 3 Open for registration
May 15, 2023 - Deadline to submit recording for Young Artists' Chamber Ensembles only Open for registration

3 Cycles of video pre-selection are independant auditions. Several participants are admitted to the Semifinal Round from each Video pre-selection cycle.

Timing of recording

Category 18 to 38 years of age: no less than 15 minutes and no more than 60 minutes of total time.
Category 13 to 17 years of age: no less than 10 minutes and no more than 30 minutes of total time.
Category 8 to 12 years of age: no less than 5 minutes and no more than 25 minutes of total time.
Important! It's not required to perform Gershwin works at Live Preliminary Audition or Preliminary Round Recording.

Recording rules

- Participants can submit 1 or several recordings, which fit the timing indicated for specific age category. Jury members can accept recordings which exceed performance time by 2-3 minutes (if needed).
- We don't have specific requirements to the camera angle, however we would like a recording to have a nice sound quality.
- The recording does NOT have to be made specifically for the Gershwin Competition. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, we now accept recording(s) made at earlier date(s).


Currently not offered for competitions 2023

Time requirements for Live Auditions

Category 18 to 38 years of age: no more than 15 minutes of performance time.
Category 13 to 17 years of age: no more than 12 minutes of performance time.
Category 8 to 12 years of age: no more than 8 minutes of performance time.
Important! It's not required to perform Gershwin works at Live Preliminary Audition or Preliminary Round Recording.


Currently not offered for competitions 2023

Time requirements for Live Auditions

Category 18 to 38 years of age: 15-20 minutes of performance time. Own choice of repertoire.
Category 13 to 17 years of age: 12-15 minutes of performance time. Own choice of repertoire.
Category 8 to 12 years of age: 8-12 minutes of performance time. Own choice of repertoire.
Important! It's not required to perform Gershwin works at Live Preliminary Audition or Preliminary Round Recording.


STRING INSTRUMENTS - Will compete in March 2023

Violin~Viola~Cello~Double Bass~Harp~Guitar

Artists Category (Ages 18 to 38)

SEMIFINAL ROUND (36 competitors)

Each contestant will perform a short recital program not to exceed 15 minutes in length. The repertoire for this recital will consist of works chosen by the candidate and may include a transription of a work by George Gershwin. Performing Gershwin's work is NOT required, although we offer a special prize for the best performance of George Gershwin's work. Works chosen from the repertoire of the Preliminary Round may be repeated in the Semifinal Round.

FINAL ROUND (12 competitors)

Each contestant will perform a recital program between 20 and 25 minutes in length. The repertoire for this recital will consist of works chosen by the candidate. The program should demonstrate the candidate’s ability to present a stylistically diverse program. Works from the previous rounds may be repeated.

Young Artists Category (Ages 13 to 17)


Each pianist will perform a short recital program between 10 and 15 minutes in length. The repertoire for this recital will consist of works chosen by the candidate and may include a transription of a work by George Gershwin. Performing Gershwin's work is NOT required, although we offer a special prize for the best performance of George Gershwin's work. Works chosen from the repertoire of the Preliminary Round may be repeated in the Semifinal Round.


Each contestant will perform a recital program between 15 and 20 minutes in length. The repertoire for this recital will consist of works chosen by the contestant. The program should demonstrate the candidate’s ability to present a stylistically diverse program. Works from the previous rounds may be repeated.

Talent Show Category (Ages 7 to 12)

Talen Show participants will perform the same program in the Semifinal and Final Rounds.

Each contestant will perform a program between 8 and 12 minutes in length. The repertoire will consist of works chosen by the candidate and may include one work by George Gershwin or a transcription of music by George Gershwin.

Performing Gershwin's work is NOT required, although we offer a special prize for the best performance of George Gershwin's work.


Any instrumental combination of 2 to 8 players in total, which may include piano.

Chamber Ensembles will compete June 17-22, 2023.
The average age of young artists' ensembles must be between 8 and 18.


1-3 compositions chosen by the contestants, with timing not to exceed 15 minutes.


2-4 compositions chosen by the contestants, with timing not to exceed 30 minutes.

It's NOT a requirement to perform Gershwin work or a transcription in either round.
Works performed in the Preliminary Round may be repeated in the Semifinal and/or Final Rounds.



English Horn~French Horn~Saxophone~Trombone~Trumpet~Tuba

Winds & Brass will compete in 2024.
Repertoire will be similar to season 2017. For repertoire requirements, click HERE


Vocalists will compete in 2024.
Repertoire will be similar to season 2017. For repertoire requirements, click HERE